Posts Tagged ‘damage’

Winter Wonderland on $0 a Day

December 29, 2008

Well, I did eat yesterday, so perhaps that’s not entirely accurate. What I mean is that I went trekking in the woods, with just my two feet and no fancy wicking-wear or gear.

This was yesterday. I go for a jaunt at least a couple times a week, and near enough to my house that I don’t have to take our only vehicle.

I’ve been pining for snowshoes for quite a while now, but I haven’t been able to brave the expense as of yet. I find that if I wait a few days after a snow, then someone with fancy-schmancy snowshoes will break trail for me, and I can get off into the woods where only that mysterious big-footed human-creature has traveled.

snowshoe trail
foot in foot

That way, I get off the snowmobile trails and out onto the creek. I sometimes brave the knee deep snow sans trail, but sometimes it gets to be a little much. Following the snowshoer yesterday, I got this view of Amity Creek:
Amity Creek

The snowmobiles were a constant presence in the woods yesterday. Which I must confess irritates the crap out of me, no matter how buddhist I try to be. They sound like wheezy gigantic angry mosquitoes, killing the wintry silence, and despite the fact that I feel some compassion for the business owners, I’m glad that my hometown paper says people are buying fewer of these things. (Try I consider it on a par with those who are getting less botox and buying fewer SUVs. I mean really, the world could do without recreational vehicles, please. (People who have to get little Joey to the hospital in a blizzard because he sliced off his finger? Okay.)

Though I find it puzzling why anyone would call blasting through the woods on a stinky loud, polluting machine while helmeted “enjoying the outdoors”, my real reasons for hating those infernal things is because of what I see when I’m on foot where they’ve been.

Like this “trail” complete with mangled roots:
snowmobile damage trail

and this meadow where they decide every snowy winter that they can flatten every square inch:
flattened meadow

If it isn’t a crime to do what they do, it oughta be, IMNSHO. Fuckers. (Yes, that’s right: fuckers.)

I found this little guy so stunned by being run over that when he managed to dig his way through the compacted snow, he didn’t even hear me approach.
field critter

When I heard more of the beasts approaching, I shooed him off the trails. Not that that will prevent him from being toast in the future.

I don’t know if it’s bitter to say so, but I long for the day when recreational snowmobilers find it too expensive to fuel their machines. Yeah, the woods won’t miss ’em.